Susan M. Lepinski, MD

Susan M. Lepinski, MD

Dr. Lepinski practices evidenced-based medicine but realizes that patients are unique individuals and also need personalized care. In addition to treating a specific GI condition, paying attention to overall optimum health is important. Dr. Lepinski shows up for work every day, ready to give it her all. She has a straightforward approach to patient care that builds trust and respect with her patients. In addition to patient care, Dr. Lepinski’s interests and hobbies include biking, kayaking, fishing, gardening and cooking.

provider quote

Making sure patients feel cared for and instilling trust through straightforward, open, and honest communication.

personal philosophy statement

Education & Training

Gastroenterology Fellowship, University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics
Internal Medicine Residency, University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics
Medical School, University of Wisconsin Medical School

Certifications & Licenses




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